Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Free Men Acting As Slaves

Check out the text of this e-mail I received a couple days back (The whole thing seemed innocuous at first, like it came from just another self-published crackpot - I hope I'm not throwing stones at myself with that comment. But this message has stuck with me and I can't get it out of my head.):

Employees Are Volunteer Slaves In A Free Nation
Research reveals a miserable culture of owned puppet slaves in the workplace and also provides the solution

Slavery is not over in this country, according to Corey Donaldson, the author of EMPLOYEES ARE VOLUNTEER SLAVES IN A FREE NATION, The in-your-face solution to freedom for employees.

The word slavery has undergone a politically correct change to EMPLOYEE by those drunken with their own whit, declares Donaldson who knows he is going to create a storm with his conclusions. In an age where the idea of freedom is under fierce debate, Donaldson raises an interesting point in asking, If the founding principles of this nation grant "The Pursuit of Happiness" and a "Declaration of Independence," then why do we prefer to live out the days of our lives pursuing misery as a dependent slave employees?

In your interview with Corey you'll learn:

* About the evidence that proves 6 ways all employees work for a psychopath

* Why being an employee is so yesterday

* Why all employees are owned slaves

* How Donald Trump's 'The Apprentice' encourages slavery

* How CNN's Lou Dobbs is a slave shepherd

* What is the difference between two people when it comes to freedom and slavery, when they both have the same information to make money?

* About the 5 addictions that keep all employees down as slaves

* How to determine the truth of what you believe

* That many organizations and people are opposed to your freedom

Donaldson pays no mind to tradition, being nice, or sprinkling any sugar on the sour ways of the employee. Donaldson's way of communicating is rough, unrefined, without caution and unsavory. And yet at the same time Donaldson's taste is elevating and liberating. He demonstrates unabashed boldness that is strangely invigorating in a culture where walking on egg shells is the norm.

At first, Corey's prescription may feel like sour medicine, but the results are sweet. You may even think he takes great pains to offend just to make you wake up, but don't cry about it. As a result, you will experience freedom in the way you work and strangely, all your relationships will be purged of tyranny, if you so choose.

(End of e-mail message)
So, what do you think? It got me interested enough to try and get a copy to review for my blog. They actually offered me a copy and an interview with this guy for my day job, but I had to tell them it was the wrong audience. He also wrote books called Don't Get Married Until You Read This and Don't Have Children Until...

Well, I can tell you one guy who never fell for this whole Slave culture thing and that's my friend Red, who definitely lives his life as a free man. As you may know, he ran into a spot of trouble recently with a severe head injury. I visited him for the first time yesterday - he was injured over a month ago and has been pretty much out of it since. But, he seems to be doing much better now. He was fluidly conversant, I'd say, and appears well on the way to a full recovery after some hairy moments. I don't want to get too into it, but at one point he said he was packed in ice to keep his temperature from going too high due to the pneumonia he was suffering from...

Finally, here's an interesting column by Washington Post writer Eugene Robinson that appeared in this morning's Times-News. It questions the ever-growing rift between Muslims and Christians. Yes, indeed, why is this rift growing worse and not better, as it seemed to for years following the Crusades? Why has its direction reversed and now picked up speed? Was it because we had more space following the founding of the New World, but our mass media culture has now closed that space in again and made it tougher for us all to live together? Robinson raises some interesting quesitons about the Muslim reaction to those cartoons that appeared recently in the Danish newsletter. Yes, indeed, why does all this stuff have to trigger violence? What happened to peaceful intelligent protests?



Anonymous said...

Sounds like the same author who is promoting that book called "Natural Cures They Don't Want you to Know About." Whoever the hell "they" are. Also sounds like the author may have had a few bad experiences with bosses or work assignments and has somehow peddled that frustration into a manifesto.

But it is pretty easy to claim that employees are slaves. Jean Jacques Rousseau said "Men are born free and everywhere they are in chains" in the mid 1700's. I think what the author of the book you mentioned may have picked up his theme from the recent lame-ass movie "Fight Club."

I suppose if I did not have a stomach, I would not work either. But since I am addicted to food, as well as shelter, I work. But to consider myself a slave, I think is a bit of hyperbole. And given that the alternatives to being a "slave" seem to be either becoming a monk or otherwise living on the fringes of society, I would choose the course that Dylan Thomas spoke of, "I will sing in my chains like the sea."

Ralph said...


You are right. The theme from Fight Club did run through my mind, when I saw the write up on this book. While the movie may have been a bit cheesy - what Hollywood flick isnt? - the book had some teeth. As for the "Slaves" book, I can't vouch for it, because disappointingly, they have not gotten back to me.


Ralph said...

Good news on the "Employees are Volunteer Slaves Front," as the promoters promised to send me a copy when it's published at the end of the month. I'll let you know how it turns out.
