Saturday, February 11, 2006

Electric football

Good freakin' morning. Sort of. Kind of sunny out. A nice snow covered ground. Going to have to try and get out the big toboggan today. I bought an old one in December and spent a few hours fixing it up, even ordered a pad. It looks beautiful, but then we haven't had snow for a month and a half. Today's going to be the day, I think.

Anyways, I just got done reading this wonderful and slightly, even more than slightly, bizarre article on electric football. Yes, I played the game for hours on end when I was like 10 years old. But these guys, and there are certainly a lot of them, are way into it. I guess I had to quit because I was never a good passer. Maybe if I could actually hit the players with that cigarette butt, my life would have been different...


1 comment:

Ralph said...


We've got just enough to ride. I took the kids over the golf course (Glenwood) for some small hill riding on it last night, and it went great. It seem to take some time to ice up or something, and then it was slick. Hopefully going to stop by Frontier for a few big league runs tonight.