Friday, November 20, 2009

Achilles: A Great Middle Linebacker

From the 19th book of Iliad:

"You talk of food?
I have no taste for food-what I really crave
is slaughter and blood and the choking groans of men!"

Would make Ray Lewis proud...


stan langerhaus said...

I tell you what he really craved -- Patrocles' sweet little ass.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Ralph said...

I understand that in certain points in their history, the Greeks, well, the Macendonians, at least, encouraged homosexuality to improve the bonding between their fighting forces. It's kind of ironic I guess that the U.S. armed services take the exact opposite approach. Anyhow, at least in the version of the Illiad I'm reading, I'm not getting any sexual vibe between Achilles and Patrocles. It may just be cleaned up for modern audiences, however.

stan langerhaus said...

Actually, there was an interesting article about this subject posted on the Daily Beast about portions of "From Here to Eternity" and "The Thin Red Line" that were deleted from the original manuscripts that discussed this topic. It seems that the author who had first hand experience of soldiers getting it on with each other (because that seemed to be the thing to do), wanted to give an entirely accurate depiction of what life in pre-war and wartime army was like. Like I said, interesting article about censorship and literary history. I recommend it.

Ralph said...

Thanks for the insights.
If you are who I think you are (to paraphrase one of those coaches on the Coors Lite commercials), I'm going to assume you know what you're talking about (due to your military experience military), but I won't ask for explicit details, at least not online.

stan langerhaus said...

Let's just say, I was not nervous with the Service.