Monday, September 14, 2009

Hope Springs Eternal - NFL Kick-Off

Despite the fact that I've told everyone who's asked to take the Patriots and give the points (like 11 1/2) against the Bills tonight, I still find myself getting excited about watching the red-and-blue take on New England. There's at least some chance - maybe 1 in-a-thousand that we can win and probably a 1-in-100 chance of the Bills being competitive - but I'll take it. Why? I have no fuckin' idea. Why should I feel loyal to a bunch of football playing mercenaries carrying the banner of a team I have rooted for for 35 years. What's the attraction? Any ideas? (I need help.)




Anonymous said...

I'd say you're celebrating the passing seasons and the revolution of the Earth around the Sun.

Could it be that you're simply happy to be alive and honoring those archetypal heroes who, dressed in bright blue and red colors, remind you of autumns gone by.

Just saying...

stan langerhaus said...

Maybe it's that sweet-ass Bills pleather jacket you have....

Ralph said...

Did you just see that game?